Thursday, July 29, 2021

MidnightRadio Compilation - 106 ( !! ) . . .

 - Мојата трака со наслов - ' Тешка ноќ ' - очигледно, директна инспирација од насловот на истоимената антологија со фантастични раскази, само што излезе или беше издадена како дел од - ' MidnightRadio Compilation - 106 ' . . . Повеќе инфо тука :


. . . ( . . . )

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Something forthcoming ( !! ) . . .

Something forthcoming ( !! ) . . . / Plus some update . . .

- My ' Collab ' album w / Al Margolis, titled - ' The Greatness Guide ' ( with a dedication to - Robin S. Sharma ) is done and it's expected to be out sometime during this period / summertime, 2021 . . .

- Triple ' Collab ' album - between Anja Kreysing, Petrolio and me - it's in the final stages and it should be done and finished soon, I hope . . .

- A few of my own solo albums ( continually in the making !! ) . . .

- My ' Collab ' EP w / EMERGE ( that was supposed to be out by now - but I don't know why it's delayed ) . . .

- My ' Collab ' album w / James Wyness - it should be out in Autumn this year - on Midira Records ; as a ' free download ' or ' name your price ' - I'm not sure . . .

- My ' Collab ' release w / Kamil Kowalczyk - it's done but we'll wait until the next year I suppose - to release it as a ' free download ' on the label Attenuation Circuit . . .

- I asked Mark Seelig for a possibility for a - ' Collab ' album and he agreed ; but we'll have to wait for that and hopefully and if I'm lucky enough it's going to be out on the great label Projekt Records ( the home of Steve Roach and others ) . . .

- My triple ' Collab ' album w / Darren McClure and Toni Dimitrov was supposed to be out on a CD on the great label Neotantra ( owned by Lee Norris ) - but who knows if it's going to happen or it will be released by another label . . .

- I'm going to make a new, second ' Collab ' w / Peter Wullen - then we'll send it to Attenuation Circuit for a possible release / ' free download ' . . .

- I wish we're going to agree and continue to record w / Stefan Schmidt - to finish our - ' Collab ' album - because I'm curious about how it will sound . . .

- A ' Collab ' album w / Thomas Park ( Aka Mystified ) - it's in the making . . .

- And a - ' Collab ' album w / Wilfried Hanrath - it's done and recorded, with a title - ' Be Here Now ' - but we're going to wait until the next year - so hopefully we will be able to release it on a CD - R for the label Attenuation Circuit - because all of my other releases for that label are already booked and planned - up until the end of this year . . .

That's it for now . . . Plus some other things . . .