Saturday, February 12, 2022

The 3 - rd THING CD - is Out Now - from Germany's Attenuation Circuit ( !! ) ++ A review from Vital Weekly ( !! ) ( . . . ) . . .

The third THING CD - including one of my tracks ( ' Compendium Philosophiae ' - the title is taken from a book with the same title by the macedonian author Boshko Karadzov ) - is Out Now from the label Attenuation Circuit in Germany !! Please check here : - Plus a review about it follows below . . .
THING (CDR compilation by Attenuation Circuit) 'Thing' is, of course, a physical thing, the CDR object, but in old Norse and Germanic languages, a meeting place, a place of a popular assembly. This is a meeting of old and familiar names and newbies; well, rather new names for me. The latter constitute of Eisenlager, Wilfried Hanrath and Hans Castrup. The latter opens up the proceedings with an exciting piece of modern electronics inspired music. Seemingly random drones and tones mingle in ever-changing configurations. Steffan de Turck (whom we better know as Staplerfahrer; I have no idea why he chooses his name for this release) has a somewhat unfocused piece with some interesting percussive loops, but, sadly, also some unimaginative turntables moves. Recently revived and active as ever, Boban Ristevski continues his excursions in drone land, and this time, the subject is acoustic sources; or so it seems. It has that warm laptop/pop sound that we used to love fifteen years ago, and which, in fact, I still do. Grodock, of the Grubenwehr Freiburg label, closes the proceedings with a descent into the underworld of darkness. Deep and mean rumbling below the earth's surface, via a monolithic synth, slowly slicing the core of the earth and unleashing a higher-pitched drone. Lovely! (FdW) - ( . . . ) . . .

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